Episode 655

September 18, 2023


[655] Achieving Sales Success Through Motivation (Spearpoint Solutions)

[655] Achieving Sales Success Through Motivation (Spearpoint Solutions)
Authentic Persuasion Show
[655] Achieving Sales Success Through Motivation (Spearpoint Solutions)

Sep 18 2023 | 00:09:12


Show Notes

How can setting specific goals help sales professionals? Why is it important to focus on actions rather than solely on results?

Success in sales comes from focusing on personal development, maintaining a routine, seeking feedback, and creating a supportive environment to stay resilient and persistent.

In this special episode, you will learn about a blog article that I wrote for SpearPoint Online called Achieving Sales Success Through Motivation.

Join me as I emphasize the importance of adopting a growth mindset, setting clear objectives, and maintaining a positive attitude even in the face of rejection.


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Episode Transcript

Jason [00:00:00]: This is the authentic persuasion show. Jason [00:00:06]: Hey there, what's going on? Welcome to episode 655 of the Authentic Persuasion show. This is part three or the third round of me replaying a recorded blog article. Jason [00:00:17]: So I wrote three articles so far. Jason [00:00:19]: For Spearpoint online for Spearpoint solutions. Mr. Bob Sager, amazing marketing genius. He comes up with so many great ideas and I've known him for a few years and when he approached me and asked me to write some articles for his site and just give to that community, it was a no brainer. It was an instant yes. Anything Bob asks, I am always down for. So this article is called achieving sales success through motivation. Motivation is tough. Jason [00:00:46]: Sales is tough. If you've done sales for any length of time, you know it's just full of rejection. Jason [00:00:51]: When you're doing well in sales, you're. Jason [00:00:53]: Still missing more opportunities than you're getting, right? Like if you close at 30%, that means you're not closing the other 70% and that's tough. How do you stay motivated? Jason [00:01:01]: Most people look for external resources, the carrot, the stick. Jason [00:01:05]: They try to motivate their team with. Jason [00:01:06]: The carrot and the stick. Jason [00:01:08]: And this article here is twelve ways to achieve sales success through motivation for yourself. How to motivate yourself and keep yourself going. And again, this is the audio that I recorded for the blog article. So it does sound like I'm reading because I am going through the flow, but I wanted to stay with the points because they're so valuable and I didn't want to get off track too much. Again, if you want to check out the full article or any of the other articles that I've published, and the other content that other people have done on sales, leadership, personal growth, anything like. Jason [00:01:40]: That marketing, then make sure to check out spearpointonline.com. Jason [00:01:44]: Now here's my tips on how to achieve sales success through motivation. Jason [00:01:49]: Achieving sales success through motivation tapping into your own internal drive. Rejection is a normal part of the sales process, yet still can feel disheartening. No matter how long you've been in sales or how experienced you are, you need to be able to tap into your own internal drive to keep moving forward, making calls, and meeting your sales quotas if you want to succeed in the long run. Let's discuss the top twelve effective methods for maintaining drive and tenacity in the face of criticism, setbacks, rough days, all a part of life. Recognize the importance of your attitude. The way you think can have a significant impact on your sales results. Think of rejection as a chance to grow instead of something to be avoided at all cost. Adopt a growth mindset where failures and difficulties are seen as opportunities for learning and development. Jason [00:02:41]: Keep a positive attitude and view each call as an opportunity to hone your sales pitch and interpersonal skills. Remember, it's not personal, it's business. Unless you're bad at sales. Jason [00:02:52]: Establish specific objectives. Jason [00:02:55]: Having clear objectives can spark your natural drive. You should divide your overall sales goal into more manageable sub goals. Recognize and honor your success, no matter how seemingly insignificant. These smaller victories will help you stay motivated and focused on the larger goal. Discover your why finding your own why can be a tremendous source of motivation. Think back on your motivations for entering the sales industry. Is it so you can support your loved ones? Jason [00:03:27]: Strike out on your own? Jason [00:03:29]: Make a positive impact on the world? Call after call can be infused with renewed vigor and resolve when you connect with your deeper purpose. One tool I always have salespeople do is to create a vision board. Imagine yourself succeeding visualization is a tool. Jason [00:03:46]: Used by world class performers in a. Jason [00:03:48]: Wide range of fields, including sports. Take some time every day to imagine yourself meeting your sales goals and closing. Jason [00:03:56]: Deals with satisfied clients. Jason [00:03:58]: The simple act of visualizing success can give you a huge dose of self assurance and drive. One trick is to think of a time when a sales call or meeting went really well and you closed the deal. Then remember that moment. Feel the energy and your confidence prior to making your calls. Self compassion be kind to yourself. Realize that being rejected has nothing to. Jason [00:04:22]: Do with how valuable you are. Jason [00:04:24]: Be as supportive and as encouraging as. Jason [00:04:26]: Possible to yourself as you would be. Jason [00:04:28]: To a coworker in a similar situation. Rejection can be emotionally devastating, but practicing self compassion can help you recover more quickly. Don't believe everything your mind tries to tell you. It is trying to keep you safe, away from danger like rejection, but it doesn't realize that the danger is perceived and not actual. Make learning a priority. Personal development is an excellent environment for nurturing intrinsic motivation. Attend seminars, take online courses, or read relevant books to hone your sales techniques. The more you know, the more confident you'll feel and the more likely you'll be to pick up the phone and try again. Jason [00:05:09]: Even if you've been rejected before, focus on actions, not results. While it's crucial to achieve your sales goals, you shouldn't lose sight on your accomplishments along the way. If you've made more calls this week, refined your pitch, or become more adept at overcoming objections, you should reward yourself. Success breeds more success, so it's important to celebrate your victories along the way. Remember, you cannot control results. All you can control is the action, activity and effort you put into something. Then trust the results will come. Establish a helpful social structure. Jason [00:05:47]: Put yourself in a position to succeed by surrounding yourself with people who know. Jason [00:05:51]: What it's like to work in sales. Jason [00:05:54]: The strength to keep going through adversity can be found in the community, formed through sharing stories, seeking and offering advice, and celebrating successes. Stay away from the negative salespeople on the team or that you know, especially online sales, air quotes, social media groups. Get a mentor, whether it's official or unofficial, and or a coach. Focus on positive, supportive influences in your life. Create a routine that will help you bounce back. The foundation of achievement is dependability. Develop a schedule that allows for prospecting, following up, learning and self care. Maintaining focus and motivation on days when rejection is particularly difficult can be accomplished by sticking to a regular routine. Jason [00:06:42]: Track your activities so you know that even if the results aren't there, you are planting seeds each and every day that will produce fruit. Another tip break up your day into power hours so you know that you are sprinting at times and working on other items when needed. See criticism as feedback. Flip your outlook on rejection from destructive to productive. Take each rejection as a constructive criticism that will help you grow. You can improve your approach by soliciting feedback from potential customers about why they decided against working with you. Have your manager or someone on your team listen to your calls or meetings and give suggestions on things to try differently next time. The main part you can do is to have a growth mindset of openness. Jason [00:07:27]: Create a healthy setting for development. The environment on your desk can have a significant impact on your attitude and drive. Build a setting that encourages success and optimism. Put up inspirational pictures again. The vision board is so key. Read about inspiring people and keep reminders of your accomplishments all around you. I am a huge fan of the progress board as well as the vision board. Having a pleasant place to work can increase your motivation and self assurance. Jason [00:07:57]: Have everything you need on hand to help during your calls and stand if that helps, or sit in a different spot to shift your energy into go mode. Be thankful. The attitude you carry can be altered by practicing gratitude. Record three things for which you are thankful every night before bed. The process of looking for the positives rather than the negatives can help boost one's confidence and drive. Conclusion while failure to close a sale is unavoidable, it need not derail your career or feelings about your ability to succeed. Since it's going to happen no matter what, rejection can be used as a stepping stone to success if you utilize intrinsic motivation tools to keep yourself going instead of relying on outside factors. Maintain your drive and resiliency through a growth mindset, well defined goals, and a never give up attitude. Jason [00:08:53]: Using the methods described here, you can keep dialing despite obstacles and set yourself up for long term sales success.

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