Show Notes
How can you be successful at networking? How can you be the solution to your client’s problem? Relationships often build up networks and those networks can get you to the right persons you want to work with. And to build relationships, you need to ask yourself how can you be the solution to your client’s problem.
Trying something is beneficial in building up your relationships and creating networks. People will look at how authentic you are and how you can help them with their problems and getting out of your comfort zone can be the key to becoming your client's solution.
In this episode, Steve Sims, the author of Bluefishing, and I talk about what is authenticity, how to communicate with your clients, networking, and building relationships.
Learn about why trying something new make you adapt to different situations, how being transparent is more favorable than being authentic, how other people could get you to the people you want to work with, and how attitude can affect your success.
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