Latest Episodes
October 08, 2020
[Replay] Screw The Naysayers, with Tim Alison
Why do you want to be successful in sales? What is your purpose as a sales professional? The approach to selling only to close...
October 07, 2020
[Replay] People Catalysts, with Karla Nelson
Why do buyers avoid changes? Why does it take them days or weeks to decide on a new product or service? Fear exists as...
October 06, 2020
[Replay] Future Proof Selling, with Steven Norman
Why do you want to be successful? What is your intention when you approach your client? Rejections in sales are difficult and there may...
October 05, 2020
[Replay] Everyday Is Saturday, with Sam Crowley
Why do you want to be in sales? How many options do you give to prospects when selling? Your goal as a salesperson should...
Episode 300
October 02, 2020
[E300] Why Slumps Happen (+300th Episode!)
It happens to everyone – the dreaded sales slump. But why? And more importantly, what can you do about it? I will cover my...
Episode 299
October 01, 2020
[E299] Honest to Greatness, with Peter Kozodoy (Part 4)
Despite the less glamorous aspects of running your own business, the liberating feeling of having that autonomy and being able to make our own...