Latest Episodes
Episode 742
March 29, 2024
[742] Navigating Comfort Zones
How do you deal with customers who are eager for change and open to making a purchase? How does relying solely on easy transactions...
Episode 741
March 27, 2024
[741] The Power of Hope in Sales
Why is it important to understand the role of hope in sales conversations? What are some common misconceptions when it comes to instilling hope?It...
Episode 740
March 22, 2024
[740] Improve Your Ability to Connect
How can a salesperson work on improving their ability to connect, relate, and build rapport with diverse groups of people, especially those who are...
Episode 739
March 20, 2024
[739] Embrace Open-Minded Sales Strategies
What are the consequences of prejudging potential clients? How does it influence the client's perception of salespeople?Prejudging potential clients based on their accent, appearance,...
Episode 738
March 18, 2024
[738] Identifying and Overcoming Bias
How do assumptions impact a salesperson's approach to selling a product or service? What are the dangers of prejudging a customer based on their...
Episode 737
March 13, 2024
[737] Understanding Objections
How important is it to understand why objections are raised in sales conversations? How can this understanding be used to effectively handle objections?In today's...